Egg Decorating Classes

Ever tried egg decorating? Well egg decorating classes are now starting up in our community. The following is a little taster from UK Egg Stand specialists Rider Products. Egg decorating may have begun as an Easter tradition, but it has become a hobby all its own thanks to the popularity of Faberge eggs and ornate egg decoration techniques. Now this hobby has enthusiasts all year round, and many resources abound to help you get a start on decorating your own eggs.

Finding a Stand

Before you start designing and decorating your own eggs, you will want some way to display them. There is a vast market of egg stands, many of them just as ornate and decorative as the eggs they will be displaying. It’s a good idea to have some notion of how your eggs will look once they are finished before you buy a stand for them. You will want a stand that accentuates the eggs while not drawing too much attention away from them.

Natural or from Scratch

Next, you have to decide what kind of egg decorating you want to do. Are you going to take bird eggs and spruce them up with elegant designs? Or would you rather build an egg from scratch, perhaps using precious metals? Your resource, skill and desired product will all help you decide which way is the best to go with. For people who are new to the hobby though, a chicken or goose egg makes a fine starting point. You can get to know the basics of egg decorating with these without singing a lot of time and resources into first crafting something to be decorated.

Choosing a Design

How do you decide what your egg should look like? As with any piece of art, it needs to be a reflection of yourself and your personality. The egg doesn’t have to be a master class in intricate design. It can simply be a fun and cheerful egg that makes people happy to look at it. Think about your audience as you decorate the egg, but also be sure to put some of yourself into it. That is the only way you are going to make the best egg for your abilities.

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